Med udgangspunkt i sine mange års erfaring med industriel automation, starter Michael Sørensen pr. 1. maj 2009 firmaet Innosoft der som udgangspunkt skal udvikle styringer til automatiske maskiner. Michael kommer fra B&R hvor han har samlet viden på specialist niveau om bl.a. servo/motion control, HMI, PLC generelt.

Med sin uddannelse som dataingeniør og erfaringer fra tidligere jobs, er Michael i stand til at udvikle alle mulige andre former for software lige fra Windows software til embedded software i elektronik.



Following years of specialising in industrial automation, Michael Sørensen has decided to launch Innosoft ApS as of the 1st of May 2009 and will focus on developing control systems for automatic machinery.

Michael has been part of B&R where he gained specialist knowledge of servo/motion control, HMI and PLC, and as he is a certified data engineer with vast experience, Michael is capable of developing a range of software solutions – from Windows software to embedded software solutions in electronic devices.

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